Wednesday, February 28, 2018

three images

1. This work was designed at foundation school before. The movement is the theme that I want to express. The whole work is made by paper and held, connected by those little hollow cylinders. What's more those little hollow cylinders can be a kind of  decoration too.

2.The Danial apartment was designed by Reza Sayadian and Sara Kalantry 
 in 2012 The whole exterior facade is consisting of 20 tree-like panels. Each floor’s façade is covered by 4 of the panels which complete each other two by two, all installed on two rails which can be moved manually all along the rails horizontally, providing infinite choices to the resident who can control the panels from inside.

3. This original photograph shows the friendship between the man and their pets. And it also emerges a natural relationship between nature and human beings

Gucci (  flower     pick      uninhibited
revival cycles transport hold speedy
CJ Hendry (                 sphere finish round

hold & sphere

transport & sphere